Running Analyses

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Running Analyses

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Analyses are run using the commands located in the Analysis group of the Home tab. Analyses can be run one at a time or, if multiple analysis component runs are desired, can be run as part of a Batch Analysis. The procedure for running an analysis is described as follows.

The figure below shows the Analysis group of the Home tab. Note that all nine commands are disabled unless the component currently displayed in the Component View is an Analysis component.

Analysis Group 

Analysis Group 

The first command, Run, is enabled if the analysis currently selected is not already running. Clicking on this (or simply pressing F5) starts the analysis running. When you do this, all commands except for the Stop and Skip Stage commands become disabled, as shown in the figure below. Note that if the selected analysis was ran previously then you may see a prompt appear when you try starting it again. This prompt will ask you to confirm that it’s ok to overwrite the existing output by rerunning the analysis, thus preventing any accidental loss of important data. Project Component - Quality Control discusses this prompt in more detail.

Analysis Group with Analysis Running

Analysis Group with Analysis Running

Choosing the Stop command terminates the analysis completely, the stage currently running and any subsequent stages. Skip Stage on the other hand terminates only the analysis stage in progress, but allows subsequent stages to proceed.

The Run Postprocessing command allows you to run only the postprocessing phases of the analysis without having to re-run the entire analysis. This can be useful if you realise, for example, that you have inadvertently omitted some required specification from a Custom Postprocessing component. The Run Summary Postprocessing and Run Code Checking commands operate likewise with respect to running only summary postprocessing or DNV/API postprocessing. The Analysis & Postprocessing article deals with the topic of postprocessing in greater detail. The Run Code Checking command is not available in PipeLay Starter Edition.

The Vessel Motion Timetrace History section of the Properties Tab described the PipeLay Vessel Motion Timetrace History facility that allows you to generate a time history of vessel motion, typically in response to a random sea, without having to perform a full analysis. The Run Time History command in the figure above is used to perform this analysis type.

The Run Fatigue Analysis command is related to the use of the Fatigue Tab, and is discussed further under that topic. This command is not available in PipeLay Starter Edition.

The Run Tabular Report command allows you to generate customised tabular output files. This command is of limited applicability to the majority of program users. The feature was designed almost exclusively for use with the PipeLay features for the analysis of innovative solutions being proposed for flowline and riser (SCR) installation, such as self-installation from a floating production unit (FPU). The capability was originally implemented in a customised version of PipeLay that was built around these capabilities, and is included in this PipeLay version to ensure compatibility with all previous versions, including customised versions. The Run Tabular Report command is not available in PipeLay Starter Edition.