Dynamic Display - DirectX Features

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Dynamic Display - DirectX Features

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The Dynamic Display module uses DirectX to implement such features as: Polygons, Texture Mapping, Light Shading, Transparent Surfaces, Solid Structures, 3D Backgrounds and Perspective Viewing.



Polygons are used to model cylinders which are drawn around each user-defined element. The element thickness is used as the cylinder diameter. If elements have zero thickness, no polygons will be generated. The picture below shows two polygon cylinders drawn for two elements of different thickness. The user has the option to turn polygon generation on or off.



Texture Mapping

Texture mapping is used to enhance the realism of surfaces, by mapping appropriate surface textures over the polygons. The two screenshots below show a seabed with and without texture mapping. The user has the option to turn texture mapping on or off.

Texture mapped seabed

Texture mapped seabed

Non-textured seabed

Non-textured seabed


Light Shading

DirectX allows us to define directional light sources at any point in our 3D environment. Based on the direction of the light source and the polygon normals, realistic shadow effects can be achieved. The picture below shows the shadows cast on a wave surface.



Transparent Surfaces

Transparent surfaces are generated for waves and seabeds. This allows the user to view models from above or below the surface. The picture below shows a model with a view point directly above the wave surface. The user has the option to turn the wave and seabed surfaces on or off.




Solid Structures

Using PipeLay, the user can define auxiliary panels in addition to auxiliary elements. An auxiliary panel is similar to an auxiliary element except each one consists of three auxiliary nodes, instead of two. Note that the order in which the nodes are defined is important, as it determines the front face of the panel. The panel nodes should be arranged in a clockwise order when viewed from the front face (the back face of panels will appear much darker). The Dynamic Display module will draw a solid surface to represent each panel. This allows users to construct solid structures such as the one shown below.




3D Backgrounds

In addition to plain backgrounds the user can select fully 3D backgrounds. Each 3D background fully surrounds the model. Rotating 360 degrees around the model will reveal different sections of the background. Below is a screenshot of a sunset background.




Perspective View

There are two viewing modes available in the Dynamic Display module; Orthogonal and Perspective. The Perspective viewing mode can be turned on/off by pressing the ‘Perspective View’ button on the Standard Toolbar (). By default, the isometric viewpoint is in Perspective mode and the Plan/Elevation/End viewpoints are Orthogonal. The two screenshots below show the same model in Perspective viewing mode and Orthogonal viewing view.